Ethical & Environmental Committee

Birmingham Guild of Students Ethical & Enviromental Committee Student, debate and decision making

What is the Ethical and Enviromental Committee August 21, 2009

During last years elections I promised not to offer students a set of prescribed stances on various issues. To when it came to decision making to not just go with my viewpoint to represent all students and make those decisions consensually. I also promised to make changes to the system that will give students the opportunity to have a meaningful input on issues that have ethical and environmental implications.

officer blogs often are the agenda setters and students can usually only say yay or nay to the officers plans or rants. I hope that this blog which is open to all students will become the place were the real ethical and environmental agenda is set at the guild of students.

This blog is currently just a prototype hopefully soon there will be a forum and we can make changes to the design and layout. we can change the domain design logos and themes everything.

If anyone wants to be part of team that designs this website either e-mail me on emb709@bham (my guild e-mails currently off-line until Monday) or just leave your e-mail in a comment under here.

designing a website for a major organization like the guild of students (5.5 million pound turnover and 30,000 members) could be great CV experience for you.